Data Center
October 20, 2016

Data Centers in Jakarta


A data center becomes very important to manage network systems as data servers.  A data center deals with the storage and telecommunication systems. A data center usually includes some management systems on backup power supplies, connections of redundant data communication, kinds of security devices, air conditioning controls, fire suppression controls, and so on. In a data center office, there will be operation engineers who oversee network operations in the control room. A data center in this modern era becomes crucial because it concerns to business continuity. A business company relies on its information system to go on the daily operations. The system must run regularly, otherwise the business operation will be disrupted; or the worst is that it possibly stops the operations. This is why a business company really needs such reliable and trusted information technology (IT) operation infrastructure which includes the backup data system. Besides that, security system is also needed to keep the company’s secret data from any theft; this is also one of the concerns of a data center.

The existence of data centers in the big city in which all industrious and business run every day is very important. The data center can help with such services and strengths offered. A good IT infrastructure supports good resilient power which ensures the guaranteed uptime of the power. Moreover, it has great energy efficiency. A good data server must have new technology and innovation to ensure the customers with the best quality of facilities in the industry. Besides that, a good data center must have high availability for any kinds of enterprises (small, medium, or high) which need the service of a data center. The data center should give uptime guarantee to the clients using it services. High adaptability is also needed to be a good data center. A good data center must be able to customize with the clients’ needs; no matter how difficult is the need to meet, a good data center must provide the solution for the clients. Besides that, secure infrastructure becomes a great and important point. Extensive physical security is a sophisticated security system which includes security guard, and biometric and perimeter identification card to access data. Hence, the system avoids any kind of data theft.

In every country in this world has at least one data center colocation. In Indonesia, there are 38 colocations of data centers. This number is actually based on how big Indonesia is, how many business companies run every day, and how important the needs of information technology infrastructures are. One of the biggest provinces in Indonesia is Jakarta. This is also one of the busiest cities in the country. Moreover, most of business companies run there regularly. Meaning to say, Jakarta becomes the center of governmental and business activities which need IT infrastructures to go on. Therefore, there is no wonder if data center Jakarta consists of 19 data centers currently. Those data centers, of course, provide their best service to serve their clients. Otherwise, there will be no clients come to them. Therefore, each data center highlights their strengths in order to promote their services.