Data Center
August 26, 2016

Data Center Indonesia

The definition of data center is a room or a building that has a function to put the servers. This data center has been equipped with the appropriate facilities such as air conditioner or cooler or even chiller, internet connection, server shelves, network monitoring system, and others as the supporting appliances.

The data center is also a facility to place the computer system and the supporting components, such as the telecommunication systems and data storage. The data centers are equipped with the environmental control, to prevent the fire. One of the other functions of the placement of one server is to store the database or website. There are thousands of the servers packed neatly in server shelves. The data is organized based on its physical shape. In every room, it is completed with the ups, air-co, power system, and detailed organized connected network. When you would like to design a data center, you have to pay attention to certain planning below, by also noticing more on the minimum aspects:

  1. Safe location is the first priority for all the data centers around the world. The data centers are also fulfilled the requirements of the certain civil building types that should be based on the certain measurements. Because of the complexity of the building, the geological condition or the geological factor is also becoming one of the considerations to build the data center. Moreover, the topography of the building should meet the requirements.
  2. The data center should be protected by the redundant system to enable the recovery of the data loss of the clients. The air filter is the essential thing to be paid attention in a data center. Besides the environment controller and data communication system. The staff should also be ready anytime any days.
  3. The controlling system of the standard data center should have the standard operation, standard maintenance, planning and standard of disaster mitigation and recovery and the last is the business guarantee. All of the requirements in point three are the international yet conventional agreement in creating a data center.


One of the data center Indonesia is Biznet, the BDC or Biznet Data Center has the total of three data centers spread along Indonesia. The Biznet Data Centers are located in the capital city of Indonesia, Jakarta; West Java, Cimanggis and Bali. The all three data centers in Indonesia are espousing more than 7,000 square meter of the leveled floor. The BDC offers us with the highly security system with the closed rack space, secure suite space and customized services to support your requirements.


The other company of data center Indonesia is the DCI (Data Center Indonesia) that could gives the protection to the users by offering the 3.9 hectares of the intelligent design data center. The other name of the data center Indonesia is the Collocation Indonesia that already has 38 branches of data system spread all over in 14 areas of Indonesia such as Ambon, Bandung, Batam, Bogor, Denpasar, Jakarta, Kuningan, Kupang, Makassar, Manokwari, Medan, Mataram, Palembang, Surabaya. Those big cities are being the perfect sites to build the data centers around Indonesia. In Jakarta itself, the collocation data center has 19 branches spread from the east to west Jakarta.