Data Center Management
February 23, 2016

How to Optimize Power Efficiency for Workloads

Everyone needs to know about how to optimize power efficiency for workloads. If you are running a data center, power source is completely essential. Numerous things can go so wrong when the power is interrupted or the power is going down. Thus, you need to know how to keep the power usage efficient so that your business will go well all the time.


  1.     Find the “Sweet Spot”

Sweet spot in this context is finding the right situation where you can maximize the performance of your server but still keeping the power down per watt.  Here is the example of that case: It is believed that almost 65% of power level cap is capable to produce the maximum performance if the power level is set properly. If you do not set the power level properly, instability can be an issue and your data service can be in trouble. You can get the optimal performance per watt if you do this and even if you do storage-intensive workloads can be done easily. It will optimize power efficiency for workloads for sure.


  1.     Use Mixed Workload Environment

Optimizing the power to enhance the performance of the data service can be done by using mixed workload environment as well. By mixing your workload environment such as using Exchange can really boost the efficiency of the power usage. It is believed that the usage of mixed workload environment can boost the power efficiency up to 42%. It will make your data server consume lower power and even though the power consumption is lower, the performance is still maximum.

By being able to enhance the power efficiency of the data server, you will be free from the possibility of slow response, too much power consumption, and data error as well. This is why how to optimize power efficiency for workloads is always needed.