May 29, 2015

What is Power and Cooling Analysis?



A data center requires lots of power because it uses power to run the network and to cool the network.  Sockets and other important components can be overheating if they are not cooled down. As a result, a short circuit that leads to fire can possibly occur. However, because data center’s energy consumption becomes the largest cost, there is a strong need to check the use of power for cooling. It is important for you to find out whether the expensive cooling equipment and high monthly energy bill is really worthwhile. In this case, power and cooling analysis is important to conduct.


What is power and cooling analysis? Basically, this analysis is to measure the relative temperature in specific areas and the capacity of the cooling systems to handle specific temperatures. There are a number of benefits of conducting this analysis. First, it helps identifying hot spots. Sometimes, different spots are hotter than other spots. If you know where the hotspots are, you can avoid overheating. Next, it enables you to know over cooled areas. It is possible that some areas are over cooled. If you know where they are, you will be able to set the cooling system more precisely. Then, it can tell you where the breakpoint of equipment loading. This helps you figuring out where the power and cooling spreads.


Further, power and cooling analysis can help find out the effectiveness of a raised floor strategy. It is true that a raised floor is design for data center in order to give a space for wiring or cooling infrastructure. If this strategy is not able to cool the data center perfectly, it should be reconsidered. The last, the analysis can show whether the positioning of the equipment has been optimal. Equipment position surely influences the cooling ability. Thus, it is important to place the equipment appropriately.